Salad Niçoise
Salad Niçoise

Salad Niçoise is a refreshing salad featuring boiled potatoes, crisp green beans, and flaky tuna, all tossed in a tangy Dijon mustard and wine vinegar dressing. The salad is garnished with briny olives and savory anchovies, adding depth to the dish. The combination of tender and crunchy textures, along with the zesty dressing, creates a satisfying and flavorful salad.


For the fresh and vibrant Salad Niçoise, a crisp white wine like Pinot Grigio is an excellent pairing. The wine's light body and refreshing acidity complement the salad's raw vegetables and tangy Dijon mustard vinaigrette. Alternatively, a chilled sparkling wine can enhance the overall experience by adding a festive touch and cleansing the palate between bites of the savory tuna and briny olives.